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e.g. occupy, meetings, critiques, flashmob

Rainier Beach crosswalk painted Ethiopian colors. “According to a notes posted nearby, the aim was to raise concerns about gun violence, gentrification and incarceration.”
Jay Shells’ Metropolitan Etiquette Authority Says Don’t Feed the Pigeons
2 replications
Calling attention to inaccessible pavements. Truth telling street signs.
@occupyPOPS – a twitter account that organizes weekly visits to Privately Owned Public Spaces in New York City and asks participants to add and verify data about these contested spaces | by Christo de Klerk
Shriya Awesome!
Shriya Tactical media!
Occu-bot, automated protest support that shakes a sign on behalf of weary protestors. By Taeyoon Choi
Micro DIY signs – ‘Little’ Resistances
Service Alert: The G Train Doesn’t Care About You
Urban interventions which call attention to trash cans
Spontaneous City from the League of Creative Interventionists
Sarcastic ‘For Rent’ Signs Mock San Francisco’s Outrageous Housing Prices

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