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Service Alert: The G Train Doesn’t Care About You
Service Alert: The G Train Doesn’t Care About You
Susan Harbage’s U.S. Mexico Border Interventions
Susan Harbage’s U.S. Mexico Border Interventions
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Bike Rack Table Tops
Bike Rack Table Tops
DIY Bike Parking solutions
DIY Bike Parking solutions
3D DIY crosswalks from Bishkek, Kyrgystan
3D DIY crosswalks from Bishkek, Kyrgystan
christo Wonder what this would look like from a driver's perspective - do they slow down thinking they're going to hit the "raised" crosswalk or does it just look weird from other angles? Could be a great way to slow cars down.
Shriya Yeah, I think that is the great part - it looks like something elevated, so the cars have to slow down. It also 'elevates' the pedestrian, which is nice, conceptually. And DIY crosswalks are great for pedestrians in anycase.
Saw this in Dumbo. Think it may just be temporary facade on unused buildings. They’re all now behind a construction fence.
Saw this in Dumbo. Think it may just be temporary facade on unused buildings. They’re all now behind a construction fence.
1 comment
Shriya I like the colors!
From, an excellent ad hack
From, an excellent ad hack
Trash can games to incentivize using them.
Trash can games to incentivize using them.
Hammock to transform a border fence.
Hammock to transform a border fence.
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